Jamie Ousley, Assistant Professor of Jazz Bass at FIU, was named “Best South Florida Jazz Musician of 2011” by Boca Life magazine, and his previous CD release Back Home was named “Best South Florida Jazz Release of 2010” by Bill Meredith of the Palm Beach Post.
The release of his latest cd in 2012, Sea of Voices, has caused a stir in the music industry and has been awarded “Best in Show”in the most recent Global Music Awards competition. Recently, Sea of Voices was nominated for Best Jazz Album and Best Jazz Song (“Steam”) by the 12th annual Independent Music Awards.
According to Ousley, Sea of Voices was intended as a not-for-profit album dedicated to protecting the environment. Proceeds from its sales go to benefit Sunshine State Interfaith Power and Light, a faith-based environmentalist organization, whose mission includes educating people about global warming and enacting public policies that promote clean energy. As an inhabitant of South Florida, the rising sea levels resulting from climate change are of upmost concern. He notes that the album “has enabled him to combine the worlds of diverse faiths and jazz to benefit a common cause that we can all unite behind.”
Find out more about Jamie Ousley and his cd by clicking here.
Read a review by Palm Coast Jazz here.
Read an interview with Jamie and listen to “Stream” here.