FIU Theatre’s Production of Neil Simon’s “Rumors,” directed by Matthew Glass, opens on Friday, February 27. The play revolves around a dinner party with no food, a missing cook, and an attempted suicide, which makes for an evening of calamity and comedy. The Department of Theatre invites you to sit back and follow the trail of red-herrings, amusing twists and turns, and farcial comedy that Rumors will offer.
Performance Dates
February 27 – March 8 | Wednesday – Saturday 8PM, Sunday 2PM
Herbert and Nicole Wertheim Performing Arts Center | Main Stage Theatre
10910 SW 17th St., Miami, Fl 33199
$10 FIU Students
$12 Seniors and FIU Faculty + Staff (with ID)
$15 General Admission
Available at or call 305-348-0496