BFA Performance students Danielle Rollins and Madeleine Escarne were honored to be included in this year’s Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Celebration, a twenty-four year old tradition here at FIU that pays homage to one of the world’s greatest leaders. Danielle was given the opportunity to write and perform a short skit under the guidance of School of Music’s Dr. Mary Kauffman for the Commemorative Breakfast, which is considered the premiere event of the celebration. The breakfast was held in the Graham Center Ballroom on Friday, January 16.
Madeleine Escarne performed the skit, entitled Wake Up, alongside Danielle and two other SOM students. She was very moved by her classmate’s ability to bring awareness to the fact that people can become apathetic to profound periods in history. “I feel privileged to be a part of this celebration for the second year in a row. It was wonderful to see everyone come together in remembrance the great Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.”
According to Danielle, “I tried to portray the ideas that non-violence does not mean passive and non-violent and revolution can indeed go hand in hand. The skit included music from Marvin Gaye and some of Dr. King’s quotes that I believe are underutilized, quotes about materialism, quotes that talk about this very powerful movement he represented.”
The Department of Theatre is proud of our students involvement in the FIU community. Keep up the good work ladies!
For more information about The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Celebration, please click here.