BFA Performance Senior Project Proposals Approved


Seniors in the BFA Performance class of 2018 had their senior project approvals approved yesterday at the Performance Faculty meeting. Wayne E. Robinson, Jr., head of performance, announced the decisions in their Acting VII class today.

Before graduating, they must write, direct, and perform in a 15-minute one person show based on a real person.

Projects are performed in April, but the process begins months in advance so they have time to research and write their scripts.

Each student is assigned a faculty advisor to mentor them through the process, but the project is ultimately their own.

This year’s group of students submitted proposals on a wide spectrum of subjects:

Student Subject Faculty Advisor
Matthew Alexander John F. Kennedy Rebecca Covey
Robert Ayala Ted Bundy Danny Mitan
Erynn Chapman Jane Austin Lesley-Ann Timlick
Patricia Contreras Joan of Arc Michael Yawney
Ruki Etti Rachel Dolezal Rebecca Covey
Paula Macchi Carrie Fisher Phillip M. Church
Emma Merritt Stevie Nicks Lesley-Ann Timlick
Leonard J. Moore, II Will Smith Phillip M. Church
Nora Pantoja Elizabeth Bathory Ivan R. Lopez
Alfredo J. Ruiz, Jr. William F. Buckley, Jr. Wayne E. Robinson, Jr.
Stefen Suttles Martin McDonagh Ivan R. Lopez
Pedro Urquia L. Ron Hubbard Wayne E. Robinson, Jr.
Rachel Willis Tanaquil le Clercq Michael Yawney
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