Attention CARTA Alumni! Looking to get a leg-up on the career ladder? There are a number of career events happening this summer to help you succeed!
Get Your Career In Gear! Networking
Monday, May 6th from 10am-3pm
WUC Ballrooms, BBC
- Connect and network with business leaders in south Florida
- Attend sessions on branding and marketing/social media in your job search
- Lunch provided, RSVP required
- Professional business attire recommended
Statewide Job Fair
Thursday, May 9th from 10am-3pm
University of Central Florida Arena, Orlando, FL
- Register as soon as possible! Space is limited
- List of employers attending
- Need a ride to Orlando? Register for a free bus ride; $20 refundable deposit
8th Annual Federal Government Statewide Conference
Friday, June 28th from 8:30am-4pm
GC Ballrooms, MMC
- Connect with over 30 federal agencies including US Dept of State, NSA, DOE and CIA
- Attend panels, breakout sessions and the Resource Fair
- Lunch provided, RSVP required, professional business attire recommended
Please see below images. All information is available on the Career Services website.
Also, if you had an internship, tell Career Services! Please answer this 4 question survey.
Still want more? Career Services is open all summer for you to make career advising appointments, attend a workshop, or get connected with employers on campus. Feel free to visit our website, our 3 campus locations (MMC GC 230, BBC WUC 255 or EC 2852) or call us at 305-348-2423.
Be sure to add us on Facebook and twitter as we always post jobs and opportunities.
All positions are on your Panther JOBlink account.
Any questions, feel free to ask. We look forward to assisting you!