FIU scholars published in top music education journal


FIU music educators Cathy Benedict, Ed.D and Patrick Schmidt, Ph.D were both published in Spring issue of Philosophy of Music Education Review, an international peer-reviewed journal that addresses philosophical, theoretical, normative, and conceptual issues relevant to education, including reflections on current practice, research, issues, or questions to an international community of scholars, artists, and teachers.

The publications in The Journal Philosophy of Music Education Review, may viewed online by clicking here.

For more information about the Music Education program at FIU, click here. The music education program at FIU will be hosting several workshops with renowned clinicians in the upcoming academic year that will be offered at no charge to the South Florida community. Please check our Events Calendar for more information.

Cathy-Ben-at-conference1CATHY BENEDICT, Ed.D is an assistant professor of music education at Florida International University. As the coordinator of the music education program, she advises all music education students in addition to teaching undergraduate and graduate classes such as Elementary Pedagogy, Orff/Kodaly and Music Education and Special Needs Students.

Her scholarly interests lay in facilitating music education environments in which students take on the perspective of a justice-oriented citizen. To this end, her research agenda focuses on the processes of education and the ways in which teachers and students scrutinzie taken-for-granted, normative practices. She has contributed book chapters addressing issues of national standards, urban education, and methodological approaches in music education and curriculum development.

She recently finished co-editing the 211th National Society for the Study of Education Yearbook (2012 publication) and a Theory into Practice Journal issue dedicated entirely to music in education. She has most recently published in journals such as Philosophy of Music Education Review, Music Education Research, Research Studies in Music Education and Arts Education Policy Review. For more information about Cathy Benedict, click here.

schmidtPATRICK SCHMIDT, Ph.D is an associate professor of music education at Florida International  University.  He directs the graduate program and the school of music’s new online efforts.  Prior to FIU, Schmidt taught for 11 years at the Westminster Choir College of Rider University in Princeton, USA. He teaches courses as diverse as foundations of music education, secondary and choral methods, philosophy and sociology of music, curriculum, assessment, research, as well as courses related to curriculum and cultural studies – such as Hip Hop and Education and Teaching Music in the 21st century.

Schmidt served as president of the Philosophy SRIG, he led the Policy ASPA of the Society for Music Teacher Education, from 2007 to 2011. He also co-chaired the two North American ISME Regional Conferences in 2008 and 2010. His most recent publications can be found in the following journals: Theory into Practice; Arts Education Policy Review; Journal of Curriculum Theorizing; Philosophy of Music Education Review; Action, Theory & Criticism in Music Education Journal; The Ontario Institute Music Journal; The Journal of ABEM (Brazilian National Association for Music Educators) and the Finnish Journal of Music Education.  He has edited a special issue of the education journal Theory into Practice and co-edited the National Society for the Study of Education (NSSE) book, published in June 2012 by Teachers College Press. For more information about Patrick Schmidt, click here.

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