Landscape Architecture Professor Marta Canaves offers “Site Analysis + Design” this Fall


Site Analysis + Design (LAA 5331) is a new elective offered during the Fall 2013 semester by FIU Landscape Professor Marta Canavés. The course will examine the fundamental role of landscape architecture in addressing site issues as they relate to inventory, analysis and site design. Students will research complex data, investigate precedents, and conduct investigations and readings in order to understand the qualities that are essential to shaping public spaces in the urbanized landscape. Some of the principal objectives of the course are to review raw data and learn how to communicate it through informative mapping. The course will also expose students to essential tools that are relevant to the decision-making process in design.

“I am very interested in learning new ways to develop my findings through diagrams and other visual strategies,” said MLA student Dayanah Eloi.

In addition, George Valdes and Adrian Von der Osten, two FIU Landscape Architecture alumni, will be conducting the workshop, Landscape Information Modeling: Site as Data as part of the class during the beginning of the term. The workshop will analyze recent developments in information design in order to approach the environment holistically. GIS and the information modeling software (Rhino + Grasshopper) will be used to leverage parametric design tools and visualize decision-making scenarios.

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