FIU Department of Landscape Architecture + Environmental and Urban Design (LAEUD) students and faculty members participated in the Florida Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects (FL ASLA) Conference + Expo from July 11- 13. The annual conference was held at the Loews Sapphire Falls Resort in Orlando, Florida. The conference provides fellowship opportunities, inspirational tours, high-quality education sessions, and leading-edge keynote speakers to both students and industry professionals, alike.
As part of the conference, an award ceremony was held to recognize standout industry professionals and landscape architecture students for design excellence. Of the seven Design Student Awards presented, six of the students from landscape architecture programs all over the state of Florida are from the FIU Department of Landscape Architecture.
Below is a list of the 2019 FLASLA Design Award winners from FIU:
Echoes of the People Rediscovering Havana’s Industrial Waterfront Community
Monica Rodriguez, MLA ‘19
Hammock Bird
Tricia Keffer, MLA ‘18
Movement and Dialogue through Materiality
Beatriz Alchalaby
Mairin Subervi, Alain Carrazana, & William Callaham
Parque del Recuerdo
Patricia Matamoros, MLA ‘19
The Loops Project
Josandra Castillo, Catalina Dugand, Olga Mekari & Katja Rocha
Congratulations to all the LAEUD students and faculty for your achievements and participating in this year’s ALSA Florida Conference!
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