This past month Oolite Arts announced its 2019 recipients of the Ellies Visual Arts Awards. Over 500 artists and educators submitted proposals to these competitive awards and forty-four winners were selected. Three of the forty-four recipients were faculty from Florida International University’s College of Communication, Architecture + The Arts.
Amongst the winners, adjunct faculty Linda Chamorro and Coralina Rodriguez Meyer from the Department of Landscape Architecuture & Environmental and Urban Design were selected, and Marcelo Ertorteguy from the Department of Architecture. The three faculty winners were awarded the Creator Award, which supports working artists with grants of $2,500 to $25,000 to realize a significant visual arts project that will advance their careers.
The Ellies are offered in three categories to support Miami-Dade working and emerging artists, art educators, and established, professionally accomplished artists.
For more information on the Ellies and to see the rest of the 2019 Ellies Award Winners, click here.