Name: Vanessa Morales
Major: Broadcast Media
Where did you intern and what did you do there?
I was a Content Management Intern at Univision.
How did you get your internship?
I applied through the Univision Career website.
What projects did you work on?
I worked on several tasks such as organizing and revising the Univision Liga Mexicana, shadowing producers for shows such as Despierta America and creating a corporate community service project.
How did your internship connect back to your coursework?
Many of the technical terms used in classes are used in the newsroom and specialized departments such as central ingest. Being familiar with these terms made my job easier to understand and get done.
What was the coolest thing that happened during your internship?
The coolest part of my job was seeing the behind the scenes of the Premios Juventud award show and being on air in Despierta America.
What did you like most about your experience?
I loved my experience not only because of the skills I gained but because of the people I met. My supervisors were amazing people and my colleagues were very eager to teach me new things.
What did you learn about yourself?
I learned that I love being on set and seeing what goes on behind the camera.
How did the position increase your professional confidence?
This position provided me with experience and knowledge to get ahead in the industry.
How did you expand your professional network?
The people at Univision are very welcoming and friendly because of this, I was able to expand my network on a daily basis. I would meet people around my office and also set up small coffee or lunch meetings with people I was interested in meeting outside of my department.
How did it help you prove yourself in the “real-world?”
This experience helped me gain a sense of what the daily schedule is of someone working in a corporate network.
What advice do you have for those beginning the internship process?
The advice I give to people beginning the internship process is to take advantage of the opportunity to the fullest, meet as many people as you can and learn about different departments in order to explore more opportunities.