On Tuesday, January 19th, students in Professional Office Practice (IND 5508), taught by Senior Instructor Katie Rothfield, sat in on the first PROsession of the Spring 2016 semester.
The January 19th, PROsession #1, titled “Advocacy: The Legalities of Interior Design” featured guest speakers Lorraine Bragg (Heery International) and Lucille McKey (Business Interiors). These professionals discussed the path to Interior Design License, the benefits of earning a license, the benefits of regulation for the profession, and the definition and punishments for unlicensed practice of interior design.
Interior Architecture’s Professional Office Practice course focuses on three key areas: career preparation, business practices, and professional services/project management. The PROsession series expounds upon the curriculum of Professional Office Practice, focusing on topics such as the benefits of joining professional associations, professional ethics and etiquette, and career paths for an interior designer. The course covers topics such as professional requirements, ethics and professional responsibility, career options and preparation, business formations, marketing strategies, contracts and fees, legal responsibilities, business plans, project phases, and the future of the profession of interiors. The values of professional responsibility, accountability, and effectiveness are also addressed.
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