FIU’s Department of Communication Arts is home to the student organization, the TEDxFIU Club. With the extended deadline of May 13 for applications to speak at TEDxFIU 2016, the student organization recently held their signature event: “Your Speech, Your Night.” The event allows students to try out their talks or just practice in front of a large audience. There were several strong contenders amongst the speakers and many others were inspired to get to work on their own talks.
“TED” stands for Technology, Entertainment, and Design, and its “TED Talks” – the short, prepared talks featured on the website, – are a popular form of public speaking. “TEDx” events are officially sanctioned events following the TED format, and TEDxFIU is one of the university’s premier events showcasing students, along with faculty and alumni, as they take the stage and expound on their “ideas worth spreading…”
The TEDxFIU Club is a natural focus for communication arts majors and other students with the gift of gab or those who aspire to becoming confident public speakers.
Read more about the TEDxFIU Club’s “Your Speech, Your Night” event.