Name: Kaitlyn Preston
Major: Public Relations, Advertising and Applied Communication with a minor in Social Media and E-Marketing Analytics
Where did you intern: Kellogg Company, Natural and Organic Category.
What did you do there?
I work in commercial strategy. I am the internal voice in our sales team and I work cross-functionally with our marketing department. I help to get our products into stores like Costco, Target, Publix, and Walmart.
How did you get your internship?
I found the internship through LinkedIn and applied! After that, I was asked to complete a phone and in-person interview. Since the position was full-time, I took all of my classes online my last semester so I can complete the internship.
What projects did you work on?
As an intern, I worked on a variety of projects, including launching innovation and creating supplemental material to help sell our products in-store. I specifically worked on the brands Kashi, Bear Naked, and Pure Organic. Fun Fact: Kellogg is one of the world’s largest CPG companies (consumer packaged goods)!
What was the coolest thing that happened during your internship?
After my internship with Kellogg Company, I got offered a full-time position as a Commercial Strategy Analyst in our San Diego, CA office!
What did you like most about your experience?
I really enjoyed working for such a well-respected company. I learned so much in my time as an intern and I met the most amazing people.
What did you learn about yourself?
I learned how well I could work under pressure. I had real projects with real deadlines that I had to meet. I was really thankful that I was given so much responsibility because now I know how to be a great employee.
How did you expand your professional network?
I took advantage of every opportunity presented to me. I went to every work event, connected with all my coworkers on LinkedIn and made it a point to make connections with people from different Kellogg offices. I went above and beyond and never said no to learning something new. I also sat in on meetings, seminars, and training’s which really helped me grow in my field. It’s really important that people in every department and function know who you are and the work that you do.
How did it help you prove yourself in the “real world”?
I think saying yes to every opportunity helped me secure a job after my internship. By the time my internship was over, I knew so much about Kellogg and Commercial Strategy. I proved during my internship that I would make valuable contributions by showing up, never giving up and always coming to work happy and ready to make an impact.
What advice do you have for those beginning the internship process?
Apply for big internships. I remember applying for the Kellogg position and telling my dad “I don’t think I’ll even get a call back, but how cool would that be if I did?” Flash forward to now and I’ve been working here for almost a year. Never think that you can’t get the one you want! Also, remember to have your resume ready and to write a thank you email after the interview.