Communication Arts Internship Spotlight: Johari Canty


Being a member of the TEDxFIU club has paid off in a big way for Communication Arts student Johari Canty. Through his participation, he has earned an internship with award-winning Miami creative agency presentation design firm We Are Visual. In his internship role, Canty will be working with individual TED speakers to help them refine their messaging and content. In addition, he will be working closely with the CEO to create highly visual and engaging PowerPoint presentations that will make each speaker stand out during their talk. The presentations being created are for the twelve speakers participating in the TEDx Coconut Grove event, which will take place on February 6 from 2pm to 7:30pm at the Lewis Family Auditorium.

The Communication Arts department has played an important role in the TEDxFIU event from the start.  Communication Arts faculty members coach the selected speakers, but the TEDxFIU club is where student speakers are born.  Once FIU launched the event in 2012, the TEDxFIU Club was created for students who are interested in public speaking and possibly, in developing their own “TED talks.” The club is sponsored by the Communication Arts department with faculty member Dr. Nurhayat Bilge serving as the advisor.  In addition to receiving coaching in public speaking,  students find a forum to work out ideas and create a “TED talk” of their own – to apply to TEDxFIU or just to put their big ideas into words. They then practice and perfect their speeches with the encouragement and support of fellow club members. Communication Arts major Alexa Chavarry (TEDxFIU speaker 2013) first presented her idea for a “TED talk” to the club and was urged by fellow club members to apply. She went on to prepare her audition tape and was selected as one of four student speakers for 2013.  Her deeply personal talk was a highlight of the event.

To join the TEDxFIU Club, just come to the next meeting! Meetings are held on Tuesdays at 3:30pm in CBC 254 on the MMC campus. The club is open to all students of any major. Contact club president Gisela Valencia at for more information.

To get more information on an internship with We Are Visual, contact Gabby Portela at

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