The CommArts Studio will collaborate with the College of Business to prepare students for the 2013 ENACTUS regional competition planned for Atlanta, GA, on April 5th. This competition allows students to showcase their community engagement. Congratulations to Estela Lewin, Kyrsten Alvarez-Basulto, Laura Osorio, Jocelyn Benitez, Dennis Gibson and Lureida Soto who auditioned, and were chosen to represent FIU ENACTUS.
On February 15th, these students delivered 15-minute presentations to a panel of judges. They described how they have used their talents, innovative ideas, business concepts, and the power of entrepreneurial action to create career opportunities for the FIU community. Some of the projects helped raise the standard of living for under-served communities in South Florida.
Due to the caliber of all their presentations, the judges were unable to choose fewer students to take to Atlanta, so all six will travel to the regional competition.
The FIU CommArts Studio will assist in the pre-competition training and preparation of these select students. Here is a picture of them all, during the February 15th presentation.
From left to right: Estela Lewin, Kyrsten Alvarez-Basulto, Laura Osorio, Jocelyn Benitez, Dennis Gibson and Lureida Soto.