Interested in studying abroad in France, Belgium, and Germany this summer? The Communication Arts Department can help.
Communication Arts is offering a new three-credit course, COM 4731: Cultural Communication Patterns of Europe, which will take FIU students to Europe for Summer A (May 14-June 21). The three main cities that students will visit are Paris, Brussels, and Berlin, where students will visit culturally significant sites. Additionally, there will be site trips to Versailles, Brugge, and Postdam.
While abroad, students will interact with others, developing their skills for personal intercultural communication through hands-on assignments. Furthermore, they visit with businessmen and women in various industries, as well as with government organizations like the European Union and UNESCO.
This course will also expose students to the cultural richness of Europe and engage them in the intricacies of intercultural communication in both business and casual settings. They will learn and apply theories of intercultural communication, interpersonal interaction, and organizational communication in international settings.
Students will stay in three-star, centrally-located hotels with shared double-room accommodations.
For information about the costs or additional details, please visit the FIU Study Abroad site, the class’ Facebook page or contact Professor Jose Rodriguez.
Department of Communication Arts
DM 233
11200 SW 8th Street
Miami, FL 33199
Phone: 305-348-6184