Brainstorm Session between Account Planning and Creative Strategy students


Brainstorm Session between Account Planning ADV 4601 and Creative Strategy ADV 6805

Monday 11/21 At Miami Ad School

Professor of ADV 4601 and ADV 6805: Grizelle De Los Reyes


The purpose of this session was to team up FIU – Miami Ad School creative track graduate students taking ADV 6805 Creative Strategy Development with FIU undergraduate ADV 4601 Account Planning students, as they enter the last phase of their final team assignment. The assignment is called Brand Revive, and the objective is to bring a brand that is dead or dying, “back to life” which may require product innovation and repositioning.

ADV 4601 students completed the primary research phase of the assignment and analyzed the data, which they presented in creative brief format to ADV 6805 Creative Strategy students for feedback. The brainstorm also allowed graduate students to serve as “creative directors” to supply more advanced feedback applying knowledge they have learned at Miami Ad School and FIU Global Strategic Communications – Creative Track graduate program.

Three teams of graduate students were paired with three teams of undergraduate students for this brainstorming session conducted at Miami Ad School. Before the brainstorming session, ADV 4601 Account Planning students attended a special lecture by an industry professional, which happens every Monday from 5-6pm for all students enrolled at Miami Ad School various programs.  This visit additionally exposed FIU undergraduate students to the possibility of continuing their Masters through FIU Global Strategic Communications – Creative Track graduate program.

About ADV 4601 Account Planning: The course is designed to familiarize students with the creative process and problem-solving techniques. The course emphasizes TEAM work, brainstorming, and idea generation to address specific communication goals. Students are taught the work flow and creative strategy development process working with clients and the (PR/Advertising) agency’s strategists, account planners / researchers and creative teams. This class teaches how a deep understanding of the consumer audience and issues surrounding a brand are used as the platform to develop sound primary research and how these insights lay the foundation for effective strategic communication solutions.


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