All Communication Arts online courses offered receive Quality Matters Certification


The Quality Matters™ (QM) certification is a faculty-centered, peer review process that is designed to certify the quality of online and blended courses. The Communication Arts fully online program has received the highest number of QM certifications at FIU. FIU has the second highest number of QM certified courses in the nation.

FIU Online conducted research to highlight the benefits of online courses that have received the QM certification.  The study proved courses that had received Quality Matters certification had higher points of student interactions, higher submissions, and increased instances of course accesses. Additionally, students spent increased time in the course, acquired more items and resources to review, and had more opportunities to check their learning via assessments. QM courses offered more variety in terms of tools and provided higher course evaluations marks when compared to courses that had not received the Quality Matters certification.

For the full report:

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