Nick Gilmore, MFA Candidate, and Faculty Attend Andean Visionary Arts and Sustainability Festival in Peru


Master of Fine Arts candidate Nick Gilmore will participate in an artist’s residency in Huaraz, Peru as part of the Visionary Arts Lab of the 2014 Andean Visionary Arts and Sustainability Festival. The residency, running from October 2nd to 12th, will take place at Chavín de Huántar/Huari, a location known for its temple complex excavated within the last fifty years. Gilmore will be attending a week-long series of workshops and discussions that lead up to the public festival. During the festival, he will present his own project, the proposal for which was submitted in his application to the residency program.

afiche lab ENGLISH

Additionally, Constantino Manuel Torres, Professor Emeritus, and Donna Torres, Adjunct Faculty are invited speakers at the festival.

“Throughout the history of humankind on earth, different people in different geographies have developed practices that have not only sought to record the experiences that transcend and integrate different perspectives, but also searched for the modification of consciousness of both practitioners and their observers. Visionary art, like integral arts, often deal with these issues: the integration and transcension of consciousness of the individual and the individual with (and in) their environment.

Visionary art often carries themes of spiritual, mystical or inner awareness. In the Andes of Ancash (Peru), one of the most interesting ancient visionary art manifestations came into existence in the ceremonial centre of Chavin de Huántar more than three thousand years ago. Chavin Art is the quintessential manifestation of ancient visionary art. In times of civilizational crises, visionary arts that provide wider and more integral ways of understanding the ecosystems we inhabit are important in order to help us increase our awareness about our relationships between ourselves, other live forms and the past, present and future worlds.

For the first edition of this festival, we are gathering persons interested in visionary art and Andean cosmovisions for four days in order to exchange knowledge, share experiences, [and] reflect on visionary art and human sustainability in one of the most beautiful places of Peru: the Andes of Ancash.” (Source: Andean Visionary Arts and Sustainability Festival)

The featured images are provided courtesy of the Andean Visionary Arts and Sustainability Festival.

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