Thomas Spiegelhalter Leads Workshops on Energy Efficiency and Sustainability at UN-Habitat CUF5


Professor Thomas Spiegelhalter presented and led workshops on Energy Efficiency and Sustainability at the 5th Annual Caribbean Urban Forum (CUF5) hosted by UN-Habitat in St. Lucia, which ran from June 10th to June 12th, 2015.

Associated Professor Thomas Spiegelhalter was sponsored as a consultant by the European Union “CarEntrain” fund for “Mainstreaming Energy Efficiency and Climate Change in Built Environment Training and Research in the Caribbean.” His task was to assess and present “Best Practices in Training in Sustainability, Climate Change Adaptation and Energy Efficiency of International Universities and Professional Organizations relevant to the Caribbean Region.”

This international forum was hosted by the Saint Lucia Institute of Land Use Planners, Ministry of Physical Development, Housing and Urban Renewal, Saint Lucia together with The Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), Caribbean Network for Urban and Land Management (CNULM), Caribbean Local Economic Development Project (CARILED), Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Intelligent Europe, United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UHABITAT), and the Caribbean Community (CARICOM).

The Forum brought together land managers, policy makers, academics and allied professionals in architecture, engineering, landscape, geography, and urban and traffic planning who are engaged with or interested in climate change, urban and land management, energy efficiency and sustainability issues within the Caribbean, in an effort to further advance sustainable land and urban management within the region.

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