FIU Architecture students, faculty and alumni gathered at the American Institute of Architects Miami Chapter’s 65th Annual Design Awards Celebration on October 4, 2019. The award ceremony and reception in honor of South Florida’s architecture and design were held at the Historic Hampton House.
During the ceremony, the FIU Department of Architecture received an impressive array of awards including the Student of the Year Award awarded to Patricia Ponce, Educator of the Year Award awarded to Associate Professor and Interim Chair of FIU’s Landscape Architecture + Environmental and Urban Design David Rifkind and the Young Architect of the Year Award awarded to adjunct faculty member Glenda Puente, AIA.
This year, as in many years in the past, FIU students swept the student design awards. Two students received Student Design Awards for their outstanding work including master’s candidate Ramses Terrero for his project The Floating District for Senior Instructor Eric Peterson’s Master’s Project studio and Kevin Di Nardo for Holobiont Leviathan: Miami-Dade Oceanic Center for Associate Professor Eric Goldemberg’s Master’s Project studio.
“Professor Eric Peterson was vital for the end result of this project, guiding me along and encouraging me to make multiple iterations and pushing the limits of what structural system can be,” stated Terrero.
In addition, faculty members received acknowledgment for their design excellence including FIU Department of Architecture Chair Jason Chandler AIA (Chandler and Associates, Architecture) and Senior Instructor Claudia Busch (BBA Architecture).
FIU CARTA congratulates all FIU Architecture students and faculty honored at the event.
Student Awards
Patricia Ponce
FIU Student of the Year
Ramses Terrero for The Floating District (Faculty Eric Peterson)
Honor Award Student Design
Kevin Di Nardo for Holobiont Leviathan: Miami-Dade Oceanic Center (Faculty Eric Goldemberg)
Merit Award Student Design
Faculty Awards
Jason Chandler AIA, Chandler and Associates, Architecture
Honor Award of Excellence, Architecture less than 50,000 sqft.
Claudia Busch, BBA Architecture,
Merit Award of Excellence, Architecture greater than 50,000 sqft.
David Rifkind
Educator of the Year
Glenda Puente, AIA
Young Architect of the Year
View full lists of winners here.
To view more information on AIA Miami, please visit their website.
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