Camilo Rosales Delivered a Keynote Address in Ecuador


Associate Professor Camilo Rosales was invited as a keynote speaker by the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH) in Ecuador. His lecture on October 24 entitled “Diseño y Arquitectura Sustentable” (Design and Sustainable Architecture) was part of the Jornadas Académicas FIE conference cycle of 2017.

Professor Rosales was also invited as a special consultant to help organize the launching of a new program in sustainable architecture at the ESPOCH.

Ing. Bryan Vaca, Ph.D Rector, Espoch; Camila Rosales, AIA-FIU; Ing. Washington Luna-Decano, FIE, Espoch; and Ing. Fernando Proano, Professor FIE, Espoch

To view more information on Camilo Rosales, please view our faculty listing here.

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