Architect and Miami Beach Urban Studios (MBUS) Leadership Advisory Board member, Chad Oppenheim will give a lecture on his recent work and engage in a discussion with students and members of the community.
As a practicing architect for nearly two decades, Chad Oppenheim has developed architectural designs of varying scales for local and international clients. Many of his smaller works dot the landscape of South Beach, near the Miami Beach Urban Studios. His first Miami condominium tower at Ten Museum Park led the way for future projects, including the neighboring tower by Zaha Hadid across from Museum Park downtown. While creating iconic building, Chad has simultaneously pursued design innovations that connect man with nature through an environmentally conscious architecture. These ideas have been explored in projects ranging from the entrance to the local Simpson Park to the Enea Headquarters in Rapperwil-Jona and the luxury eco-resort in Jordan’s Waid Rum desert.
These and many more projects are laid out in a new book called Spirit of Place, published by TRA publishing. A Miami Beach resident with offices in downtown Miami and in Basel Switzerland, Chad Oppenheim exemplifies some of the many ways in which members of the FIU College of Communication, Architecture + The Arts | Miami Beach Urban Studios Leadership Advisory Board bring expertise and opportunity to FIU students as they work to make the world a better place.
LECTURE: Chad Oppenheim Architecture
Chad will be available to discuss his new book, Spirit of Place.
Lecture: Thursday, Jan. 18, 2018, 5:00PM | FIU Miami Beach Urban Studios | Address: 420 Lincoln Rd, Miami Beach, FL 33139
Phone: (305) 535-1463 | Free and open to the public.